Life as Medicine

Galia Alena Mixed Media Listen- Dream Express
The way home lies in your imagination,
In your dreams,
In the whisperings of the Winged Ones and the Ancestors
Hear the truths floating on the currents
And the breeze through the trees
Sing the stories you've forgotten.
Waiting in the unseen that enfolds,
Lies pure potentiality
and Magic
and all that is too precious to hold
I’ve been humbled these last few weeks.

Over the Solstice break, the shift of the polar energies, in that still point as the pendulum swings back, I got clear messages that it was time to make some changes in the work I do, to step forward and offer up my gifts. This is no easy feat for some of us who do work that is hard to define, that has no easy labels and doesn’t fit neatly into a category. I’m still not sure but what I do know is that I clearly understood that I needed to offer up my medicine. If you are on my winged love notes list then you would have received a video where I talk about this, about offering up what heals me, and allowing that to heal others. Even this was pushing my edges since  I am completely comfortable behind the camera and not in front of it- some of you who know me well will know how deeply that one runs.

There is this real sense of ease that comes with this work, not that its easy but that there is a natural flow to it- right livelihood as my friend would call it. So following that, and just listening to what was coming up for me I am still painting the paintings that are birthed in dialogue with the muses, spirit, dreamtime and myself, always a journey and always a conversation. I also stepped out bravely to create my first circle. I’ve sat in various circles for years, and I’ve taught and facilitated workshops both in person and online, but a circle is different. A circle meant not knowing, trusting and listening, a circle meant guiding not teaching, a circle meant holding space, a circle meant doing the work alongside and being vulnerable and open, a circle meant inviting in women who could do their own work but who would appreciate and grow from the power and strength of being held in circle.

And Kuan Yin... she came forward to work with this circle, and work with us she did. It was heart expansion good work where we were cracked open for such growth, such vulnerability and such strength. We cried powerful rivers, we connected our power centers to our heart centers, we acknowledged the softness and the strength as one, we touched our own divinity. We practiced compassion on ourselves and radiating out from the heart. It couldn’t have been more perfect. Through it all was life, front and center, offering me opportunity after opportunity to walk the walk and practice what I was preaching (not that there was any preaching but I’m sure you know what I mean), bringing me back again and again to that heart space, the infinite heart space that has no boundaries. Oh we put a shape, a design, symbol for our minds to hold it but can not be contained, it is endless and the practice is to stay connected to it, to be expanded by it. I believe in this work, I believe it is foundational to all the rest we do.

And the humbling, beyond the work I did myself in circle, was the women who showed up, the messages I received about the life changing experience they had (you can read a few here). I couldn’t even have imagined, I’m tearing up even thinking about it now. So humbled and grateful, I’m still integrating all that magical work, that circle which we will never be done with, that circle that will be circled back to again and again. And I’m still listening, and allowing the next one to step forward, the next goddess to whisper to me “its time to work with me, its time to explore my gifts”, and naturally, life is supporting this exploration.

Life as Medicine

We begin with the Full Moon in Scorpio- how perfect. Find out more here Xx


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