And that's enough- a sketch a day

Galia Alena- sketch a day challenge
The thing about challenges like this is, well, Life. I started out well, keeping up a sketch a day. Then I started to notice the other things that were dropping away to make time for this, for example a daily walk or yoga. I've always been frustrated with that saying "If you really want to do something you'll find time for it". It just doesn't allow for the creatively curious who really really want to do many things- there's still only so many hours. Oh if I could pause that precious hour when the house is quiet and the day hasn't come a knocking yet, then I would totally be doing all my yoga and meditating, I'd write, starting with the morning pages and then moving onto other things, both my journal and other projects, I would lay pages in my art journal, go for a walk in nature, tend my garden, paint, sketch and and and... Really I would, because I really want to do all those things but try as I might, I just can't bend time. An hour is still an hour and I have to choose.
And apart from all that there was also the day I had a migraine, the school holidays, a long weekend when the house was full of house guests and so on- Life. Not to mention that my palette was also calling with a few paintings insisted on being birthed even though part of the reason for this challenge was to keep my hands creating through a time I didn't think I would have either the time or the space to paint while I was immersed in Camera Craft.
Galia Alena- sketch a day challenge
All of this is why I am very clear that these challenges aren't designed to trip me up, to have an opportunity to fail, and get all self-loathing over it. Nor to stress through a day when I didn't find time to do one. No, this is strictly an opportunity for growth and expansion, to explore both practice and technique and to see what emerges. It is merely the container for things to happen in- not the destination. And things did happen, edges were stretched, things were discovered, inspiration did come a calling, technique was developed a bit further, threads were followed and ideas are forming. Onwards right?
Galia Alena- sketch a day challenge
So I'm now on a break from "challenges" but I already have the next one waiting in the wings, starting sooner than I think. It will be the same loosey goosey container to keep me moving ever forward creatively. And that's enough...
Galia Alena- sketch a day challenge


  1. I love these, and I also love the attitude--I slip up on so many challenge-type things, and find it hard to focus on how much I did that I wouldn't have otherwise, instead of just oh, I didn't do it "successfully" or "perfectly." I'm getting more practice, so it will hopefully come easier!

    My 2015 daily doodles are coming along--catch up is allowed; they're just simpler when I do multiples at a time. And there are PAGES of them by now.

    1. Thank you Laura, and yes, perfect is over rated. For me its not even about how many, its about what did I learn, how did my marks develop, where are the reoccurring threads, how did my hand and eye connect etc etc :)

      Catch up allowed- lol, no challenge police coming to swoop on you- your practice, your way

    2. "Challenge police" hee hee! It's a thing I'll still be working on for a while--being kinder to myself. I am always grateful when I read beautiful articles like this that model a gentler way to look at things.

  2. Wow you are so talented Galia, it's amazing to see them all together! <3

    PS your linkwithin gadget says it has an error?!

    1. Thank you Caroline.
      Link within looks ok my end- perhaps the server was down or something?? :)

  3. I love this post because you have said so well how I feel about challenges. I started the 29 Faces challenge and was doing great up to #22 and then i just ran out of steam--I had so many other things that i would rather do at that point. I always have to remind myself that creating art is not a job!! and I am retired anyway-I can do whatever i want when I want.

    1. Exactly, and 22 is so many to learn from anyway, the 29 provided the container for you to get to 22 so it served a wonderful purpose. Its a balance for me between having a bit of "discipline" by which I mean a practice, a container, a showing up and following the energy- I finished at least two paintings during the challenge which I wouldn't have if I'd said "Oh I have to sketch first" ;)


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