Of Women made of Moonlight Magic and Macabre

Women know how to let things go
how to let a dying thing leave the body
how to become new, how to regenerate
how to wax and wan
Who's inspiring me right now? Dominque Ashaheed, whose work InSpirers in the true sense of catching my breathe, pausing my inhalation, "inflame; blow into".

Today I'm sharing this poem which cut right through me the other night as I stood in the kitchen serving dinner to waiting children listening with my body as I do with her words, tears flowing from my belly up through my eyes. I shared it on my facebook page and groups and watched it go viral amongst my friends as it spoke to their bones, souls and BLOOD. Her words speaking to all our truths and our wishes for our daughter's.

You can find another of her poems I love "i am learning how to become a flower" here  and visit her web site here

And in honouring this "necessary conversation" I am putting my "Of the Heart" on-line workshop, my daughter's menarche book, a mixed media love letter, on a 50% sale Details here .


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