Current "Game"- Finishing

Bowing Heads
I've also been listening to Jen Lee's podcasts from the Portfolio Project and she's got me thinking about what "game" I'm playing at the moment. I've decided that the game I need to play is "Finishing", so for the rest of Feb and then March I will focus on finishing some things, both projects, pieces and just general life stuff. I'm hoping that this will remove some of the balls I'm juggling from the air and make space for some new projects and inspirations. It will also have the added benifit of seeing some completed works which will be able to leave the nest ready to fly out into the world.
It's not just the time it takes to finish things that is the issue, it is also the weight of it on your conscience, the space in your creative arena that incomplete things occupy. Sometimes things sit incomplete due to some blockage, perhaps I don't know what to do next or where to take something, sometimes I am just waiting for a solution to come to me. You have to work out whether you need to push past this or just wait for the muses to guide you. Both are valid processes. Not all things will get finished, but certainly plenty could be. I've only just brought down the Christmas tree (we were away for Jan, if that's any excuse) and still haven't unpacked, so the temptation to flit between new projects and not actually finish any is always strong (easily distracted by shiny objects). So here's to heads down and finishing a few things, making way for a new direction in April.


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